Monday, February 27, 2012


I know that whoever I end up with I know I will be a challenge. I'm stubborn, strong-willed, often erratic, and restless. Coming from a family of mostly women, I've been around these personalities my whole life. I admire women with strong personalities and are deeply rooted in their moral beliefs and life perspective.

In that same vein, the men that accompanied them were the quiet, yet strong. Calm, yet commanding. Kinda like a tree. They don't make noise, aren't ostentatious in their color aspect, but hit one of those motherfuckers, and the one who ends up damaged is you.

No matter how hard these women came at them, at the end of it, the men endured, got their point across, taught the women a lesson, and loved them all at once. My parents are the prime example. Married 28 years, they've been through it all. My mother is probably the most diffucult woman I've ever come in contact with. While loving, sweet, caring and compassionate, she can be a little much. My father is her balance. They share the same qualities, but he's not so quick to pop off. But I'll be damned if he let my mother run all over him. There was no way in hell that my mother would attempt to bust his balls and she would win. My father set her straight without hurting her in any way, shape, or form. And my mother learned not to treat him that way anymore.

I am so sick and tired of men behaving like they can't tell their woman to knock it off. We as people are not perfect. There is gonna be a time when you do something that's gonna piss someone the fuck off. That's just the way it is. But if no one tells you "Hey. That shit that you're doing that pisses me off? Yeah that. Can you not do that anymore?", what's the point of stopping that kind of behavior? Stand your ground fellas! If her actions are something that you're not willing to deal with, then dammit, let her know! You don't let any other dude talk to you any type a way, why THE FUCK would you let some female?

Seriously, there's nothing worse than an emasculated man. It's like a plane without wings, or a car with no wheels. So much purpose, but no tools to execute it. Seriously, it's almost as sad as a starving African baby.

I may be a bitch sometimes, speak out of turn, and like I said before, be stubborn. But if wanting a strong man who will challenge me makes me all of those things, than so be it.

I don't want someone to run like a robot. Life is a battle. I want someone in the trenches with me.

Is that to much to ask for?
