Here we go.
Number 1: Blessings.
I want to start off with something positive. I had a pretty good 2012. It wasn't everything I had hoped for, but I am happy that I learned and gained so much. I got a great job with an amazing company and have been able to be blessed beyond measure. I can buy things for myself and those I love, and be around for fun things and not be completely.....well lame. LoL.
I've learned a lot about myself. I'm stronger than I had thought, and I was able to navigate some situations that I originally thought I wouldn't be able to.
Yay Me.
I thank God for guiding me thru this year, taking care of all of my loved ones, and not only pouring blessings on me, but them as well.
Good Looks, Jesus. I look forward to what you have in store for me in 2013.
Number 2: Mind Your Own
What will always piss me off is people who are nosy. I keep shit real close to the chest. I reveal only what I wish.
MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. If I want you to know something, you will. If I don't let you in on something specific, realize that there is a reason why. If anything, tell yourself that I'm protecting you from something that could possibly harm you. Whatever you need to tell yourself to leave the subject THE ENTIRE FUCK ALONE.
And, by the way, you asking me over and over again is not got to make me give in and just tell you.
If I don't want you to know, you won't.
I'm careful who I let know what about me, my life, and my thoughts. I never want to give out too much info for someone else to use on me at will. What's the point of giving someone a loaded gun?
Now I don't have some mind-blowing, extraordinary secret. I'm (for the most part) pretty normal. Another reason for people to not go so Sherlock Holmes on my ass. But I do have things that I'd rather leave in the hands of someone I know who won't try to screw me over at some point, or at least someone who isn't juvenile enough to use it against me just because we had a disagreement about something.
I don't know.
At the end of the day, people wanting to know who I am have to be masterful at how they approach a convo with me, or be really really REALLY patient with me.
Secrets don't make friends. But they keep people intrigued, and save my ass from being grass.
Number 3: Indecisive People
I've never understood what gives people the idea that coming in and out of your life is not only allowed, but something that can be done at the drop of the dime.
In my (much) younger (read: dumber) days, I let people fuck up, "leave", and then "come back" like nothing ever happened, much to the frustration of all those that truly care for me most. And it left me completely fucked.
Now, I'm wiser (refuse to say "older", LoL), and I really try to see things and situations for what they are and not necessarily for what I wish them to be. If it looks like shit, and smells like shit, I'm not gonna call that fertilizer that can help my future plants grow.
It's shit, and I don't want it anywhere near me.
If you want to leave, talk shit, that's fine. Do You, Boo. But best believe once you leave, you're fucking out. No reentry in this motherfucker. So choose wisely. I don't have time for people to come and go as they please. I've had people (My Best Friend/Sister/Wife) stick thru thick and thin, even when I fucked up. So I know that it's possible and that I'm not completely crazy and wrong. So if you want to stay, you can.
If you don't, BYE. I'm not bothered.
Number 4: Honesty
There was a point in my life where honesty scared me. It was the way I was raised. Even if it was as clear as day, it wasn't talked about.
Now that I've grown up, I've come to kind of crave it. Crave's a bad word.
REQUIRE. Better.
Listen, being honest is not for the faint of heart. But it's the best way to live. Be honest. You pissed? Say when and why. You don't like someone? Let 'em know before it gets anywhere. Someone asks you how they look and they look like a hot ass muthafuckin mess? Let em know before everyone sees them as the person who has no one that cares for them.
It helps everyone!
You may get your feelings hurt. You may hurt others. But never permanently. Eventually, the person who you're honest with will have to respect and appreciate the fact that you didn't lie. We all learn eventually from honesty. The key to it is that the moment the person you're honest with appreciates you truthfulness may not be witnessed by you. Just trust and believe that at some point the person will, however silent and fleeting the moment will be, thank you for your realness.
Trust me. I'm a Professional.
Number 5: Girly Moments
Ask all of my friends. I may look girly, but I'm not completely girly.
Now don't misunderstand. I love heels and dresses and lipstick and bows and all that shit.
But on my days off, I make sure and watch at least 2 hours of SportsCenter.
First Take is MY. SHIT. Steven A. Smith is my uncle I know it.
I love sports documentaries. I organize my errands and shopping around football games. I'd much rather get tickets to a game than go out on a dinner date.
I'm so serious.
Once, one of my really good friends and his cousin came to my house to have dinner with me, my sister, and my mother. They thought it was gonna be a whole sit around the table deal. The 3 of us ladies copped a squat in front of the tv, watched SportsCenter, and had a heated (not really. We're Puerto Rican, so everything sounds like an argument) debate about football for the entire meal. The two guests (both male) were in shock.
I LOOK girly. Not completely.
I say that to say this: when REAL girly moments decide to manifest, it scares me. LoL.
I don't like being too vulnerable and girly. It's nice to know that I can still activate that when appropriate, but it's something so unfamiliar to me that when I do have those moments, it freaks me out, for lack of a better term.
Think of it like a Hulk. It's badass, but hard to control.
Lately, they've been making frequent appearances (i.e. previous posts).
I hate that shit yo. Forreal.
But I'm gonna try to put a leash on it and figure it out so it can fit the person I am. Not trying to freak ol' dude out. LoL
For real though, I'm pretty laid back. I'm a good mix of both. Don't take a lot of shit seriously. Easy going. As long as you're upfront, laid back, and funny, you'll rarely get into a tiff with me.
Play your video games. Hang out with your boys.
But don't be pissed off if you see me at the bar with my people screaming at the TV at a pick 6.
Welp. That's enough for now. It's after 1am, and my iTunes got me vibin in my PJs.
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